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Jacqueline’s Junque



I have been asked by a few Indy's Viewpoint
members to write something on the topic "The
future for our children" I DO as with most topics
have an opinion on this (surprise, surprise)!
I think first I have to give a few good ol
"Daddy Indy" parenting viewpoints, then more
comments. Some may disagree with my parenting
ideas, but I think we can all agree that....


My parenting view..

Children learn what they live:

Parents cannot teach a child anything successfully
that they do not practice themselves. Parents can't
teach a child honesty if they themselves are seen
to be dishonest. If children know a parent tells
lies then they will learn to lie, telling them otherwise
will not change that lesson. Likewise you cannot
teach a child self reliance if they grow up in an
environment of dependence. Parents must make
EVERY effort to live in a way that is an
EXAMPLE for their children to follow!

Set high standards but allow failures as well:

Children learn from failure, just as they do from
successes. I see examples all the time of parents
defending a child who has clearly done something
wrong. Defending a child in this case teaches
dishonesty and that there can be times when actions
don't have consequences. This is a wrong lesson
that will not serve them well in life. Quickly coming
to your child's defense is a natural enough response,
but there are important lessons to be learned by
letting your child taste failure as well. Let your
kids learn that there are both rewards for
accomplishments, and consequences for mistakes.

Always be a parent:

Some parents seem to believe that there is
some magic age when the job of parent should be
completed. Don't fall into the trap of thinking
that by the teenage years you have done all you
can for your child. Some of life's toughest lessons
are yet to be learned at this point. Until that day
comes when your child moves away and accepts
adulthood and the responsibility's that go with it
your job as a parent IS NOT finished! Some kids
become adult earlier than others, but if they are
still dependent on YOU they haven't yet made it!

OK that's it! My view on a couple points concerning
child rearing. Nothing earth shattering there but
nonetheless I have probably ruffled a few feathers.

My point is this...If you are not making the effort as
a parent your kids are in trouble! Kids who's parents
aren't following up on homework, and working with
teachers are going to have problems, and I don't mean
just with school I mean with life! Drug use is at an
all time high, gangs can be powerful lure to kids that
are not getting what they need from home! Kids that
are not getting proper parenting can and DO get into
any number of problems! What do kids need at home?


Getting back more directly to the original question,
I think the future for our children is quite bright.
Children today have many adversity's to overcome
that parents may not have had to face, but they
also have many advantages. Some of the adversities
and advantages may be one in the same. Information
is much more readily available, (a good thing) but
many times it comes with a "spin" in the media
(not so good). This is a double edged sword our
children must live with, "the age of innocence" has
become a thing of the past. It is said that kids
don't get to be kids anymore, sadly this is true
in many ways, but like in times past kids do adjust.

Parents of kids in the "roaring twenties"
must have thought life as they knew it were
coming to an end when those kids took over, but
instead those kids who grew up, took up the
fight against communism and fought World War II!

This generation of American's just as those
of the past are living in freedom, and just as in the
past the brightest and best will rise to the top!




I invite your feedback, please e-mail me, or sign my guestbook.